Berlin Green Party delegation @ the Baumhaus + More Structures Up

Last week, Silke Gebel, Sprecherin für Umwelt, led a delegation from Berlin’s Green Party to visit the Baumhaus to find out what we are doing and see where it makes sense to collaborate.

Our meeting went great and we even managed to get an interview with Silke on film; stay tuned for the edited version…

Check out some sore photos of the last structural work and help out this week.

This week, KW 24, will be another transformative one:

Our mission this week is to shape and attach the organic forms of the walls and floors onto the main structures in the front room. This includes the bar and kitchen area, the men’s toilet and all the structures that collectively form the Atrium. The space will start to show the signs of its aesthetic character!

Two more important things to accomplish this week

1) finish sound insulating the water pipes in the back room – continue building boxes around them to fill with insulation material.
2) clear extra materials out of the back room – the sound proof ceiling will be installed the following week!

SIgn up here to participate anytime from June 13 to June 17:

Check here for future weeks:

Can’t make it by to help, please help us make our crowd-funding successful. Every small donation counts especially if we get lots of them: