Community Networking Night

Die “Community Networking Night” bringt diverse Menschen zusammen, die eines gemeinsam haben: sich selber für eine bessere Welt engagieren zu wollen. Jeden Donnerstagabend wird das Baumhaus zur “Offenen Grüßzone”, wo es selbstverständlich möglich ist, sich jeder und jedem vorzustellen und ins Gespräch zu kommen. In informeller und authentischer Atmosphäre neue Leute treffen, Perspektiven teilen, zusammenarbeiten…

Baumhaus Re-Opening Autumn 2021

Check out the new look of Baumhaus 3.0 and the process that got us there… + Thursdays Community Networking Nights + Tuesday’s Emergent Berlin + FLOW guided meditation sessions – Volunteers welcome! Details and link on our online newsletter! Find all 250 pics on facebook

Taking Things to the Next Level…

Over the Summer we steadily worked on building renovations, keeping our CSA/SoLaWi rolling along and launching our regular Tuesday evening Emergent Berlin sessions in the Panke e.V. backyard.  Volunteers for building, cleaning, decorating and general help are always appreciated.

Emergent Berlin Month 2, August – Ecological Sustainability

We are moving forward with the Emergent Berlin Festival – Every Tuesday night project presentations, teach-ins and campfire stories until the end of this year! Check out our Open Call for September – and program for August so far: 03.08.: Project presentations with AvantGardenLife, Wo kommt dein Essen her?, Climate Farmers & FoodSHIFT2030 10.08.: Teach-In:…

We’re Moving!

We’re Moving! (…in more ways than one) Action starts Friday, July 23 – volunteers wanted! (plenty to give away) Up-cycled tree house building sessions daily until September 15 Emergent Berlin Festival every Tuesday Community Networking Night outdoors every Thursday Event info and links here Sign up here to let us know which day you want…

Spring 2021 Renovation Progress & Permaculture Design Course

This spring the social distancing and lock down rules slowed down the pace of renovations so we decided to take advantage of a 2 week, 100 hour permaculture design course at Wir Bauen Zukunft led by the legendary Prof. Declan Kennedy. Stay tuned for band & dj video/audio recordings from our May 6 event, „Live…

Doing What You Can With What You Have…

Since January we have been working with limited resources and a great deal of uncertainty, trying to stay focused on what is possible to make happen now. Thanks to the great help of a small crew of interns and volunteers we have remained healthy, in good spirits and productively creative. Designing, building, developing, making, thinking…

26.3. 20 Uhr Online-Infoabend: Freie Plätze beim Gemüse Syndikat, der Solidarischen Landwirtschaft vom Auenhof: Mitmachen & Gemüse ab Mai 2021

Jede Woche frisches Gemüse direkt vom Erzeuger. Solidarisch, nachhaltig und im Sinne einer Kreislaufwirtschaft. Zum Start der Saison 2021 gibt es noch freie Anteile beim Gemüse Syndikat. Wer will mitmachen? Ein Online-Infoabend am Freitagabend 26.3. 20 Uhr für alle Interessierten, organisiert vom Baumhaus Projektraum im Wedding, wo ab Mai ein neues Depot (Abholort) für die SoLawi…