Making Durable, Functional & Beautiful Upcycled Chairs Workshop

28. September 2017 um 19:00 – 22:00
Making Durable, Functional & Beautiful Upcycled Chairs Workshop

**We have moved this event to Thursday to concurrently run with our Community Night Dinner **

Join us for a night of turning trash into treasure!

1) It takes around 50 empty milk or juice containers (Tetrapak) to make just 1 stool so here is an up-cycling project with a long term waste stream that can be utilized for long term purposes. We will work together to construct stools and even start to prototype the washable covers that make the stool look like a mushroom.

Kate learned to make these stools from Simone at MaterialMafia during our 16 day long Emergent Berlin 2017 and now you can learn from Kate!

2) We conserve energy here at the Baumhaus by using tea light candles to light up our night. Unfortunately, waste is still created by these aluminum tea lights. Tonight we will create new candles with the old wax from the tea lights and use the aluminum containers to make leaves for a new installation at the Baumhaus.

**It’s pay-as-you-feel between 3-8€ (includes tea and coffee) at the door, bring healthy snacks to share…**

Kid Friendly

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