Social Innovation Salon #1 :: 22.07. @ 19:00

In preparation for our Emergent Berlin summer festival on 16 August we would like to extend a warm invitation to help us develop and exchange some innovative social interaction interventions that can used during the festival and by all of us whenever!

We expect over 800 people at this year’s festival and we want to make sure that folks walk away having had a positive, informative, social and memorable experience. So we would like to come up with some clever answers to the following question:

>> How do you get strangers to get beyond normal social inhibitions and be open to having fun meeting each other in a big crowd? <<

We all know the experience of going to a large event and just hanging out with the groups of people who we already know. It can often be an awkward experience to walk up and introduce yourself to a new group or individual, sometimes making the experience of being in a crowd a somewhat lonely experience…

At this salon we will put our heads together and supercharge our imagination to come up with some planned and spontaneous interventions to help facilitate people feeling comfortable interacting with each other.

Bring materials to draw and sketch with as well as snacks and drinks to share.

• Where: Baumhaus Baustelle – Gerichtstr. 23 Front House, ground floor

• When: Doors open at 18:30 meet and greet, Event start at 19:15

• RSVP by: email OR on our facebook invite

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