Repair Café

25. April 2017 um 19:00 – 21:00
Repair Café
We’re starting a repair café!

Who wants to join or help? Everyone is invited.
Want to repair your things? Come by!
Want to help others repairing their things? Come by!
Want to help organising? Come by!
Just want to have a chat and check out the space?
Come by!
We think of the idea of a “Repair Café“ as an open framework for an evening where we can help each other fixing a lot of things (electronics, bikes, texts, …). Always around are our electronic genies as well as Thomas from Bicycle Repairman who is happy to make your bike roll again.
If you want us to announce your skills, send us a text with:
1. Your name
2. The skills you want to offer
3. Dates you are available
The idea is an evening to meet, help and inspire!

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